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The Perfect Puppet 1+1 project included a 3D animation film and a multi-level desktop game.
Self Directed and produced a 3D animation film telling the story of a puppeteer so obsessed with the idea of making a perfect puppet, causing the destruction of the puppet.
Designed and developed a multi-level desktop game as the second part, narrating the story of a trapped sadistic puppeteer escaping by collecting the body parts of his torn-part puppets.
Experienced a complete 3D animation and game production pipeline.
The pianist of the grand orchestra(Game)
Inspired by my experience of playing piano in my high school orchestra, I conceived and started building a 2d pixel music game, The Pianist in the Grand Orchestra.
Conceived and initiated development of a 2D pixel music game based on high school orchestra experience.
Designed game mechanics and storyline, simulating a musician's journey from audition to competitions.
Produced a demo showcasing the current game mechanics.
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